Dr. Stephen J. Hales started his ministry in 1977 as a minister within the AOG (Assemblies of God) Pentecostal denomination. By 1987 he had become a founding director of the British arm of the ICFM (International Convention of Faith Ministries) being greatly influenced by his American mentor Rev. Kenneth Hagin. The ICFM was founded in 1979 by worldwide ministries such as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, John Osteen, and Fred Price. The impact of ICFM ministers has been vast and especially through media broadcasting they have succeeded in becoming one of the most influential and far reaching branches of Christianity within the last half of the twentieth century.
Dr. Stephen J. Hales has pioneered the Word of Faith message within Britain for over forty years. From the 1980’s onwards when he ministered at the World Famous Hampstead Bible College and other Schools of ministry, his ministry has been in great demand. His sermons and Bible Courses are used around the world by an array of ministries, Bible Colleges and church networks. Dr. Hales ministers the Gospel with power, testimonies of tremendous miracles have become common place.
In 2008, after 21years, Dr. Hales resigned his directorship of ICFM to give more time to helping grow the first International British based Faith churches network, the International Fellowship of Charismatic Ministries (IFCM). Dr. Hales is a founder member of the IFCM and in recognition of his ministry within the British faith movement and Bible based Churches he was invited by the Fellowship to be its first President.
Dr. Alan G. Hales Vice President
In 1977, God Called me into the Ministry, I started out by preaching the gospel, Then in the early eighties God gave me a teaching Anointing, People would say to me, "You have a ministry of a teacher", Eph 4: 11.
God gave me greater revelations of the Bible which I have been teaching ever since.
One night as I was praying, God said, "I am calling you into an Evangelistic ministry and I will confirm it at the prayer meeting tomorrow," and He did.
God had already given me the gifts of healings back in 1976. God has used me to perform miracles as well as heal the sick.
I have been an area director for the ICFM, [International Convention of Faith Ministries] but I am now the Vice President of the IFCM, [International Fellowship of Charismatic Ministries]
I am a senior Faculty member of Faith Bible College.
My Ministry.
To teach the Body of Christ the concepts of faith, and who they are in Christ, and how to live victorious successful Christian lives.
To train and equip the Body of Christ for the work of the Ministry.
To exhort, edify and comfort the believer.
To set people free from all bondage through the anointing which God has placed on my ministry.
To impact the world with the life changing power of the Gospel. To see people come to salvation.
To Proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Natioal Director for Nigeria.
Rev. Phillip Melle.
Gobal Prayer Coordinator.
Rev. Benitta Manuel
Dr. Stephen J. Hales President IFCM