Article 1.
The Name of this fellowship is the “International Fellowship of Charismatic Ministries”, hereinafter referred to as IFCM.
The Head office shall be in Manchester.
The address is : 82 Warmley Road, Manchester, M23 9DQ
Article 2.
1.To further the Gospel and teaching of Christ.
2.To bring unity and co-operation among various non-denominational Charismatic/Faith Ministries.
3.To provide fellowship and ministry interchange between members.
4.To provide mentoring and training for ministers.
5.To give ordination to ministers.
6.To give Spiritual protection and a sense of belong to its members.
7.To provide a means whereby new ministers can establish their ministry through mentoring, fellowship and opportunities to minister.
8.To hold an annual convention and area meetings for the purpose of fellowship, teaching and opportunities to minister in the Anointing.
9.To restore ministers that have fallen or who have been out of the ministry for any reason and to help them rediscover their anointing and calling.
10.IFCM will foster the idea of giving all of its members the opportunity to minister at the above stated meetings.
Article 3.
Membership will be offered on two levels:
a)To all Ordained Ministers, IFCM will recognise those who already have ordination with other organisations. Their ordination will be carried over to IFCM.
b)To anyone who is involved in Charismatic ministry but not in the five-fold ministry, a licence to minister will be given to all lay workers.
Members will have to agree with the Articles of Faith and the Constitution and bylaws of IFCM.
(There will be a fee for membership of £25, with the initial payment to be paid upon application.)
Ordination will be bestowed upon any that meet the criteria of IFCM and the Executive Board.
Article 4.
The funds of IFCM shall be utilised exclusively in furtherance of the purposes of IFCM and for the maintenance of its office.
Article 5.
Executive Vice President.
Second Vice President.
Executive Board:
The Executive Board shall consist of all the aforesaid officers.
Each member of the board shall receive a list of their duties when appointed. The duties of all board members will be available at any time for any member who desires to see them.
Article 6.
The authority of the Executive Board.
The extent of the Executive Board’s authority will be to give advice, to
co-ordinate, and to assist in any way that a member may so desire.
The Executive Board of IFCM will have no power or authority to intervene in the internal affairs of its members, unless called upon to arbitrate in disputes.
Every member of IFCM will be responsible for their own affairs.
Each member will be responsible for their own ministry or church. IFCM believes in the total autonomy of all of its members.
Exclusion from The Fellowship.
1.Those who reject a part or whole of the doctrine of Christ.
2.Those guilty of immorality.
3.Those who are unruly or who walk disorderly.
4.Those who cause divisions.
5.Those who are domineering, quarrelsome and sectarian leaders.
When exclusion from the Fellowship becomes necessary, the following steps are to be followed at the direction of the Executive Board.
1.The Executive Board shall use the Biblical principle of going to the individual to seek to restore them.
2.If the individual does not respond and the issue is not settled, then the final disciplinary action of exclusion will be the only alternative.